
Lancet journal
VACS journal articles

Prevention, healing, and justice: a survivor-centred framework for ending violence against women and children

To end violence against women and children, our framework for action muct encompass prevention, healing, and justice.

LVCT Kenya qualitative report
Technical reports

Kenya’s journey towards protecting children: A decade of change (2010-2019)

This qualitative study on violence against children was conducted to examine the shifts in children’s experiences of violence in Kenya from 2010 to 2019. The study explored violence against children policies and guidelines established during this period.

Lancet journal
VACS journal articles

Changes in prevalence of violence and risk factors for violence and HIV among children and young people in Kenya: a comparison of the 2010 and 2019 Kenya Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys

Previous research has shown a high prevalence of violence among young people in Kenya. Violence is a known risk factor for HIV acquisition and these two public health issues could be viewed as a syndemic. This study examines the changes in violence and risk factors for violence and HIV between 2010 and 2019.

Eswatini VACS Report 2022 cover image
VACS reports

Eswatini Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report 2022 (data collection 2021)

Explore the data in Eswatini's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.

School related gender based violence
Policy briefs

School-related gender-based violence: achieving systemic, sustainable change - with youth and for youth

Youth and survivor leaders' message is clear: we know what can and must be done to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), now is the time for action.

Together we create a safer world
TfG materials

Together, we can create a safer world

Learn more about Together for Girls and the Brave Movement. Discover how, through data and advocacy, our global partnership drives action to break cycles of violence and ensure prevention, healing, and justice.

VACS journal articles

Exploring children’s formal help-seeking behaviour for violence in Zimbabwe: analysis of national survey and routine service provider data

Journal of family violence
VACS journal articles

Path analysis of adverse childhood experiences, early marriage, early pregnancy, and exposure to intimate partner violence among young women in Honduras

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Cross-time comparison of adverse childhood experience patterns among Kenyan youth: Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys, 2010 and 2019

Eswatini Priority Indicator Report 2022
VACS reports

Eswatini Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) Priority Indicator Report 2022

Explore the data in Eswatini's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) Priority Indicator Report.

We are TfG
TfG materials

We are Together for Girls

We envision a world where every child and adolescent is safe, protected, and thriving. Through data and advocacy, Together for Girls drives action to break cycles of violence and ensure prevention, healing, and justice. Learn more about us.

Honduras Plan Nacional de Respuesta para la Prevención de Violencia Contra NNA
National Action Plans

Honduras National Response Plan for the Prevention of Violence against Children and Adolescents (2021-2026).

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