In 2010, Kenya's first national Violence Against Children and Youth Survey revealed alarming statistics about the prevalence of physical, sexual, and emotional violence among boys and girls. A decade later the data told a different story. The power of data-driven action at a national level was proven for the first time, uncovering the efficacy of interventions to protect at-risk children.
On May 11-13, 2022, senior government officials and civil society leaders from over 30 African countries gathered at the Pan-African symposium on violence prevention in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The Generation Equality Forum, convened by UN Women was co-hosted by the governments of France and Mexico in close partnership with civil society and youth activists, launched a collective call to accelerate action for gender equality.
Ashleigh Howard — a global health epidemiologist with expertise in violence and HIV — shares her top 10 things you should know about the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys.