All: Colombia

Guatemalan girl with baby

Using data and evidence on violence against children: Why pedagogy matters

Inclusive pedagogy is essential to challenge and shift the power hierarchies that have traditionally determined who gets to ask research questions and who only gets to answer them.

  • 1st July 2024
Adolescent girl blue wall

Proven: The power of data-driven advocacy to protect children

With data from 23 countries we've successfully created evidence-based solutions to reduce violence against young girls, including ending child marriage and other harmful norms. See the VACS in action.

  • 18th July 2023
Town in Guatemala

Colombia Eliminates Statute of Limitations

Responding to violence and ensuring survivors can access justice

  • 12th February 2021
Children colored parachute in park

Seven hopeful highlights to end sexual violence against children

As we think about the past year there are undeniable moments of collaboration and partnership that provide hope as we prepare for the year ahead.

  • 13th December 2020
Children learning in a classroom

Investing in schools and teachers is key to unlocking solutions to school-related gender-based violence

Every child deserves to be safe at home, in their communities, and at school. However, findings from the VACS show that many children experience school-related gender-based violence. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • 2nd December 2020
Young girls laughing

Education: A fundamental human right

Education is a fundamental human right and a critical pathway to ending extreme poverty. Equitable, quality education has an immense power to transform the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations.

  • 10th October 2019
Supervisors Interviewers and Trainers complete a three week training in preparation for the VACS data collection in El Salvador

Helping drive action to end violence against children in Latin America

Together for Girls talks with Dr. Andrés Villaveces MD, MPH, Ph.D. to learn more about his experience in the field and what inspires him to do this critical work.

  • 24th October 2018