All: Data-driven advocacy for safe and gender equitable schools

School-children-holding-hands safe to learn essay

"Safe to learn" essay collection: The role data and research play in ending violence in schools

The “Safe to learn” initiative published a collection of essays that examine and tackle the causes of different forms of violence in and around schools. This essay is authored by Dr. Daniela Ligiero, Executive Director & CEO of Together for Girls.

  • 30th June 2022
Boy at school

World Education Day 2022: Changing course, transforming education

To mark World Education Day this year, we spoke to Yona Nestel of Plan International and Olanike Timipa-Uge of Teenage Network to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on girls’ access to education.

  • 24th January 2022
Young school girl smiling

Back to school: COVID-19 and the opportunity to build safer learning environments

We have conducted secondary analyses of the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) to understand the prevalence, consequences, and gender-specific experiences of violence in and around schools.

  • 25th October 2021
Group of young women

Building the evidence base: AidData’s deep-dive analysis of Zambian school-related gender-based violence

High-quality, disaggregated data on school-related gender-based violence is essential to help drive effective policies and programs for prevention and response.

  • 21st September 2021
Global Education Summit Financing GPE 2021 2025

Join us at the Global Education Summit 2021

The Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021-2025 will be a key moment for the global community to come together and support quality education for all children.

  • 27th July 2021
Group of children

Safe: Preventing gender-based violence in and through schools

Together for Girls and partners hosted a Solutions Summit side event. Global leaders, experts, and youth activists shared the latest data on violence in school settings and highlighted school-based interventions for catalyzing broader social change to end violence.

  • 16th June 2021
Girls reading at school

The gendered reality of corporal punishment in schools

Social norms drive gender inequalities and violence, and even though access to education is a human right, learners across the globe are impacted by school-related gender-based violence.

  • 30th April 2021
Children learning in a classroom

Investing in schools and teachers is key to unlocking solutions to school-related gender-based violence

Every child deserves to be safe at home, in their communities, and at school. However, findings from the VACS show that many children experience school-related gender-based violence. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • 2nd December 2020
Young woman in blue and white dress from Colombia

The transformative power of secondary education in Honduras

  • 24th October 2020
Three girls walking to school

Understanding school-related gender-based violence

Every child around the world deserves the opportunity to learn. Education is a basic human right and a necessary pathway to ending extreme poverty. We know that equitable, quality education has an immense power to transform the lives of individuals, communities, and nations.

  • 13th July 2020
Safe adult

How to be a safe adult for children during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Katelyn Brewer, President and CEO of Darkness to Light, discussed how during the COVID-19 pandemic, adults can modify their approach to protect kids and prevent child abuse.

  • 16th June 2020
Young girls laughing

Education: A fundamental human right

Education is a fundamental human right and a critical pathway to ending extreme poverty. Equitable, quality education has an immense power to transform the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations.

  • 10th October 2019